Rust-Oleum produces paints and coatings which earn its worldwide reputation of trustworthy products and services.
B686012 1632830 208090 208555 203024 V2102838 1210402 208084 239007 9171300 B686013 V2123838 B686514 244305 202216 208028 203037 7232402 9102300 B686022 2766402 5244402 1622830 V2192838 245482 2264838 B686538 210475 257403 210495 9101300 B686533 S6501410 V2115838 203028 238753 B686548 B686537 203034 261956 238754 1638830 1642830 1655830 238752 B686532 209714 V2133838 2233838 1666830 208039 205176 B686523 V2134838 1633830 208037 257406 B686540 7434300 B686034 V2196838 245442 245386 1664830 B686047 208029 245444 1654830 V2119838 B686043 2255838 243276 2242838 1690830 B686553 1869838 1282300 865402 6711402 944402 5281300 1861838 B686550 633402 B686576 2326402 V2301838 6068408 V2410830 203030 205237 202211 B686584 B686065 B686066 V2411830 V2407830 203031 243546 B686070 9192300 B686079 B686078 5274402 208051 203032 208032 5286402 B686077 B686106 B686094 964402 208052 B686108 245484 210479 1069300 209715 255616 257402 B686109 V2138838 B686104 1643830 214645 245483 1671830 5293402 208040 2348402 245481 B686120 205236 205235 246774 208072 V2392838 B686581 B686067 257400 203039 1875838 B804097 B804094 B804095 5344408 150402 865300 203036 A914414300 B804104 2393000 AS5468402 B804166 245477 9815419 248290 1060402 634402 B804214 B686405 721300 V2116838 B686468 1665838 208054 205234 257399 V2413830 245407 245401 203038 V2414830 5292402 904402 B804129 B804126 B686175 B804133 B804141 5292300 5392408 B804158 5278402 V2125838 AS5482402 C9578402 B686202 V2163838 6001604 B804138 214430 7448402 975300 9133402 B686423 206329 956402 B804188 208113 209566 V2355838 1862838 210188 259158 1834838 B686195 245382 V769300 5279402 B686265 2391300 5381405 9125402 B804206 206194T B686203 9182300 B804131 245308 9801501 B804160 9165402 9844419 248291 253479 9102402 201516 1661838 933402 203022 B686122 215409 5288402 238755 1672830 B686256 B686223 AS6082425 B804145 V2170838 209563 5265402 B686279 248289 1677838 1670830 B686356 5382408 2326838 245388 5281402 7280402 255617 1674830 V2187838 208031 B686462 B686474 208041 6086408 1868838 203035 248288 5215402 AS9171425 B686357 203033 245408 AS9182425 V2412830 215405 V2188838 B686233 B686235 203026 V2185838 B804125 B686273 5269402 9892383 9825419 B686466 209564 1624830 B686329 251212 261177 2395000 160402 5499499 206044 678300 975402 245406 213898 206232 258887 B686200 B804128 B804139 5282300 B686292 9801419 AS9168425 2364838 208057 7434402 769300 2348300 B686368 AS6582425 9101402 B686177 3575402 B804102 B804137 B686259 B804112 5379408 8469402 9892419 B804176 AS5444402 AS6586425 V2167838 206331 V2404830V B686151 214432 935402 925402 5293300 V2171838 B686153 261116 B686430 V2175838 9186300 1686830 245309 B804149 9886419 B685991 9882419 6010408 5301604 5264402 V2405830 245440 5225402 248285 215634 238751 209567 160300 245480 AS6086425 B804105 2378838 B804157 9179402 9865419 AS2102838 B804190 9182402 245441 245443 B804194 B686453 209717 245405 V2190838 925300 205238 245475 745402 721402 906402 V2333838 B686387 1684830 B686188 V2177838 206045 1614830 203027 B804146 B804142 9115402 AS5479402 B804159 C9502402 7086402 208073 V2164838 B686402 1675838 245500 203025 B686196 210493 1634838 1627838 V769402 208036 247598 B686252 261175 B686411 251765 B686438 B686436 245474 V2363838 208046 AS9144425 9192402 V2176838 634300 V2156838 165402 208056 AS2178838 1601838 208066 V2184838 205233 2766300 V2344838 209565 214646 1644830 245485 641300 B686369 B686426 9144402 S6568413 S6571413 2764402 AS2144838 678402 1282402 1678830 203029 B686277 V2137838 203023 251293 B804132 B804140 208112 333402 V2401830 S6586413 B686456 B686455 717402 B686227 V2345838 B686267 259157 V7086300 206043 B804144 5303502 B804191 C9578380 248287 206346 S6582413 B686409 2388000 2082402 2068402 B685989 B685995 245479 202214 B686243 208087 2391402 1662838 261117 B686205 B686270 B686309 B804185 B804134 B804143 944300 209590 5282402 9879419 C9502504 206164 206193 641402 245381 2391838 B686399 245380 7446402 1685830 B686319 257401 9122402 5494323 9171402 261118 1669838 245403 209718 245385 B686460 V2148838 V2324838 B686487 V2155838 B686135 208038 209716 5255402 977402 210477 AS5471402 245476 AS5486402 245387 B804186 239503 1659830 B686166 5233402 B686169 245400 9103402 261115 209562 B686404 9104402 245409 245478 AS9186425 205015 V2358838 5290402 V2147838 V2179838 209713 V2354838
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Frequently Asked Questions
1. What does 3M stand for?
2002 – Centennial Name Change. As 3M employees celebrated 3M's centennial anniversary, “3M Company” becomes the legal name for 3M—originally incorporated as Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company.
2. Where is 3M Company from?
Two Harbors, Minnesota, United States
3. Is 3M unionized?
He served until 1977. 3M was proud of its good management-employee relationships. ... Since 1999, unionized employees have been represented by the United Steelworkers.
4. Are all 3M products made in USA?
It's very difficult to find American-made products these days, but St. Paul, Minnesota based 3M Company, is striving to make it easier. 3M products used mostly by the U.S. electrical industry are made in places such as New Ulm and Hutchinson, MN and Chelmsford, MA.
5. Is Scotch owned by 3M?
The Scotch brand, Scotch Tape and Magic Tape are registered trademarks of 3M.
6. What is 3M famous for?
3M Company is known for its culture of innovation and investment in research and development which has resulted in the invention of many new products for both the industrial and consumer markets.
7. How many patents does 3M hold?
How many patents does 3M hold? Technology and innovation are at the heart of 3M – the company has been granted more than 118,000 patents, and each year, more than 4,000 new patents are issued to 3M worldwide.
8. Why is 3M so successful?
The root of 3M's success is its business model; to foster organic growth by inventing entirely new, market-changing products. ... In order to foster this growth, 3M has always emphasized the important of research and development (R&D) to which the company dedicates six percent of its yearly revenue.
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